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November 02, 2008


Matt Weyen

That's awesome! That would have been great for going out n' about on Halloween with kids!


Interesting idea, the lit flagpole, though that's really expensive.
I went for more conventional lighting when I built mine, though it is still LED style, except for my bar headlight (which is CCFL).

If you're industrious, and into recycling items into items you need, I've started an instructable for my lighting system here:

Major Taylor

Nice LED Lights and I bet they keep you safe to.

Patent Attorney - Michael Feigin, Esq.

I'ts a bit of overkill, no?

Hallihan IP Partners, LLC

I'm curious if the lexan tube is very flexible for clearance issues. You could try using one of those glow in the dark flagpoles for bikes (I assume they still sell them), some hoseclamps, and then clamp an LED rope light to the pole. Probably would not look as nice though, but it would definitely be flexible and would probably be much cheaper. Just a thought if you have problems with the flexibility fo the lexan tube.

John - Pittsburgh Patent Attorney

Very interesting. I can't imagine anybody missing you. Although from far away I am sure many cars will be wondering what it is.

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