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December 14, 2005


Mike Brown

> This design seems to be the precursor to
> the famous Maglite unless someone can show
> me that the Maglite was invented earlier.

Maglite's trademark 1,808,998 on the inscription on the Maglite(r) flashlight claims a first use date of 1979.
I think it's the mini-mag which combined the focus and power switch. Mag Instrument's website says that was introduced in 1984:

Initially targeted for the public safety sector, the MagliteĀ® flashlight was introduced in 1979. Police officers, firefighters and mechanics quickly spread the word about this rugged, reliable anodized aluminum flashlight, which would change the portable lighting industry forever. ... The Mini MagliteĀ® AA flashlight was launched in 1984 and set a new standard for personal size flashlights.


Thank you very much for the great information.


Tom Luque

I was a high school senior in 1968, when I saw the TV invention ad with caveman chipping out a wheel. I went to the local office to show my drawing of a flashlight that would make variable focus beam by twisting the head of flashlight that could incorporate on/off control.
The man told me no one wants a new type of flashlight and that what people want is a better way to tune a guitar. He picked up his guitar and I left disappointed.

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