It is a huge mystery how the ancient stone age Britains moved massive stones, and stood them upright. This was done before metals were available, so only timbers, ropes, and stones were available as materials. A man in Flint Michigan named Wally Wallington has demonstrated some ingenious techniques for moving huge stones, and he says Stonehenge could have been built with similar techniques. He goes a step further and moves some big stones singlehanded. The link to his movie is below:
Speaking of Stonehenge, people might be interested to know there is a full size replica of Stonehenge in Washington, overlooking the Columbia River near Goldendale. These pictures are of some neo-Druids from a few years ago.
Lacking metal the real question is how did the make the massive "stoves" to begin with :)
Posted by: Lan | January 30, 2007 at 07:58 AM
You should try this additional website
It contains thoughts and theories never
before applied. Very thought provoking!
Posted by: S nichols | April 09, 2007 at 12:48 PM
Hi Robert,
I found your post while doing some monitoring for my client, the Smithsonian Channel.
You might be interested to know that the Smithsonian Channel is also covering the excavation (in a joint venture with the BBC).
There is a bunch of videos and other information at this link:
You can also interact with David Royle, the Executive Producer of the Smithsonian Channel - he is live blogging from Stonehenge at
Posted by: Stephen | April 04, 2008 at 12:38 PM