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May 16, 2006


Greg Gritsch

I offer some minor corrections. The Luger pistol was designated P08, "P" meaning Pistol 1908. The Parabellum pistol was tested a few times by the US government, the earliest in 1901. In that year the US purchased 1000 commercial pistols that were actually issued to troops. They saw service in the Philippines as well as the American southwest. Afterwards they were sold commercially through Bannerman's, an early military surplus dealer. For more information I direct you to:


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the pistol luger is design and caracter very simple and easy maintenance

Joe goin

Took my old luger apart and found carved in side the grips on one and 8 carved X,s carved on the inside of the other.


This was fascinating, I would have never imagined that the German Luger was manufactured with the American army in mind

last chaos gold

Took my old luger apart and found carved in side the grips on one and 8 carved X,s carved on the inside of the other.

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