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April 23, 2006


Route 66 Rambler

Few people realize the influence that Rambler and Thomas B. Jeffery had on the bicycle and automotive industries in the United States.

According to an article in the 2nd Quarter 1978 Automobile Quarterly by Beverly Rae Kimes, Jeffery also held patents involving a railway velocipede, the sewing machine, and the washing machine.

Also, Gormully and Jeffery Manufacturing, or G & J, as they were known, successfully challenged the legitimacy of the Lallement Patent in 1886, resulting in the striking down of the patent in 1891.

In 1903, Thomas B. Jeffery & Co. issued a statement declaring their intention not to pay royalties on the Selden Patent, held at the time by Col. Pope and the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers. The A.L.A.M. chose for some reason not to prosecute Jeffery, but instead sued the Ford Motor Company. During the course of the trial, Thomas B. Jeffery contributed a great deal of capital to Ford's defense, resulting in the successful resolution of the case in favor of Ford.

I have posted the magazine article mentioned above, and a small archive of old Rambler ads and brochures, which may be seen at my Rambler heritage web site,


and my blog, the Route 66 Rambler Report, seen at:


Your journal is very fascinating, and I am quite impressed with the work you have done here. Keep up the good work!

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