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December 04, 2005


Enon Harris

One interesting form of steam transport that hasn't yet been fully developed is the steam airship. It has the advantages of variable lift, expendable lift gas, and also allows the lift envelope to double as the condenser, which together with flash boilers and steam turbines should allow a weight low enough for aircraft use. See:
for more information on materials and experiments.

David Buckley

The above would be ok if it wasn't all fiction.
The first real steam man was made by Zadoc P. Dederick, announced to the press on 23rd January 1868, and a patent awarded on Mar 24, 1868. Well before Edward S. Ellis in "The Huge Hunter, or the Steam Man of the Prairies", recounting the exploits of his creation Johnny Brainerd and Brainerd's Steam Man, first appeared in Irwin P. Beadle's American Novels #45 (August, 1868). All Brainerd's and Reade's robots are fiction, as well as Boilerplate. For more see


It’s great that more people are focusing on making better environmental choices. Plus technology is making it more economical now, and that’s what people really notice. Wind energy, solar power, hybrids and zap EV’s, our choices are good. There are now electric cars being sold everyday, you just plug it into a regular power outlet. When people test drive them they say it’s far more fun to drive an EV.

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