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October 23, 2005



It’s great that more people are focusing on making better environmental choices. Plus technology is making it more economical now, and that’s what people really notice. Wind energy, solar power, hybrids and zap EV’s, our choices are good. There are now electric cars being sold everyday, you just plug it into a regular power outlet. When people test drive them they say it’s far more fun to drive an EV.


Butler is very near to the origin of motorcycling as we now know it. Not quite the first on all accounts, but the first in many regards. I've been researching the man and his machine for a while and have been astonished at what he was able to invent, while being completely independent and isolated from the other inventors of the time. I'll share more info on him on my site later, but I'm glad to see that you've included his bike on your site.

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