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September 13, 2005


Brian Ertz

cold indeed! though we lucked out overall, it was supposed to be a lot more wet. chris had no complaints about the water and occasionally drifted to shore in his tube dropping off some good sized fish for anyone to eat. it must have been incredible in that crystal clear lake! he mentioned that he could just look through the water and cast at the fish he saw. he spent hours out there!
Ruben, the sheepherder, stopped by my camp for a good ten minutes, enticed by the warmth of the fire i suppose. it was a unique ten minutes as he didn't say but two or three words. he snapped his dogs to their feet and disappeared as fast as he came.
the hike back was swift, one of the benefits of ascending to get there.
thanks bob!



Wow. This looks like such fun. Thanks for posting this info about the cool trips that you take!

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