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July 12, 2005


cece hill

I recently bought a small armoire (possibly a childs)made with square nails. It was made by a company called Dealcraft. Anyone have any idea how old it might be? A guesstimate would be appreciated.

Handforged Nails

In 1794 Thomas Jefferson awarded Whitney his patent for a cotton engine (and not the nail-making machine).

Eli Whitney doesn't have a patent on the nail-making machine (you can check that at patent database).

According to: "Maker of Machines: A Story About Eli Whitney By Barbara Mitchell":

"Fourteen-year-old Eli's nail business was such a success that by the second winter he needed to hire a helper. Then in 1781, the war ended. The colonies had won their freedom from Great Britain. There was peace. Harbors were open to ships again, ships that dumped cheap British nails onto American docks. Making nails was no longer profitable. That did not bother Eli. He would simply come up with another business idea."

As you can see he ended the nail business long before 1794 and turned into cotton industry.

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