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June 12, 2005



Good news for oldschool lever action lovers, Henry Repeating Arms now sells a lever action .44 magnum/special (and just recently available in .357/.38 special) with some spectacular features you simply wont find anywhere else in the same lever action produced within the last century:

-SOLID BRASS Reciever (hell yes)
-solid brass buttplate and barrel band
-20" octagonal barrel
-super quality american walnut stocks

accuracy reputed the best off the shelf .44 mag lever action on the market, perfect balance, with the smoothest action you will ever, lever. on top of all that, its side ejecting, and it speed loads through the under-front of the tube mag, far quicker to reload than the side door. 10 rounds of ass kicking ready to go!

gettin mine in a week or two :D

ps. www.henryrepeating.com


The Henry Rifle Company posted above, seems to be a newly created attempt to profit off the Henry name and appears to offer low-end lever action designs based somewhat on the Winchester.

For good quality and faithful replicas of the original Henry 1860 rifles, see companies such as Uberti or Navy Arms Company.

Great article btw

Louie Orduna

The modern Henry Rifle line has shown itself upon my examination to be the finest quality craftsmenship available at any price anywhere. America has had some excellent quality arms. The workmenship of Smith & Wesson, Wincheater, Colt & Ruger speak for themselves. The Henry Rifles that are made today in New York City have carefully followed that proud tradition of incredible workmanship ...Louie Orduna


It’s great that more people are focusing on making better environmental choices. Plus technology is making it more economical now, and that’s what people really notice. Wind energy, solar power, hybrids and zap EV’s, our choices are good. There are now electric cars being sold everyday, you just plug it into a regular power outlet. When people test drive them they say it’s far more fun to drive an EV.

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