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March 21, 2005


Swimming pool boy

This construction is awesome! I wonder if I can build it on my own. Do you have a plan or manual how to do that?


Bob Shaver


Glad you like the pool deck cover. Its made by Mike Bouiss of Ketchum Idaho. I don’t think they sell kits, but they sell the components that a contractor can install. Maybe you have the skill to build the thing with their parts. It would be very complicated to make one yourself, plus we are getting a patent on it and would rather sell one to you. Actually they might be looking for reps if you are in this industry. With this deck 10 people could sit on the edge and have a party, which you can’t do with other pool cover edges. I would call Mike and his son Cam in Ketchum for further information. (BB Deck)

Mike Bouiss

Ken, thank you for your interest in our product. We would be very happy to discuss specific applications and usage with you if you so desire. Visit our website at www.bbdeck.com and phone or email us. Mike Bouiss


Thanks for the info...But see I have a swimming pool in Arizona but the wind keeps blowing my bubble cover off. Is there a way to anchor it down with out totally submerging it or putting tons of items on top of it.

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