Please check out Hans- Peter's technology/ science site, called Mathematick Technick Algorithmick Linguistick Omnium Gatherum. It contains his unpublished papers, some of which try to match scientific and technical areas which sometimes seem to be far apart. "They try to open your mind for solving convential problems with unconventional methods. Some seemingly difficult questions have trivial answers - if you see structures others don't see. Some apparently simple questions may lead directly into a black algebraic abyss. Some solutions which seem to work are simply misleading. This site could be understood quite well as a history of flaws and wrong arguments and of the development of modern science.
This site is a collection of nonworkable machines, stupid ideas, riddles, open questions - and spurious useful algorithms, historical remarks and unconventional mathematical approaches, which are placed here for discussion." Some articles are in German, some in English. Enjoy!