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October 26, 2004


cary lalor

I have been trying to find a good drawing of the set up for a wood burning set up for a car. Thanks Cary Lalor N1295 state rd 22 Montello Wi 53949

steve lazarus

i woud also want info as how to run a car on a wood burning setup

Bob  Shaver

Steve: The best place I found to research this technology was the link in the post. It is a government agency of some kind that seeks to preserve this technology. I'd check there for more information.

Bob Shaver


I've not read it, but I've heard that this book is an excellent one on the subject of how to build such a vehicle: http://lindsaybks.com/bks/producer/index.html


Thanks for sharing. I have a blog entry concerning this subject that my father shared with me when he was 27 in 1944.


Pete Wheeler

Late in the year 1995 the magazine Classic & Sports Car had an article about some European guys still running their cars on wood. You can go to the web site and request the archive.



It’s great that more people are focusing on making better environmental choices. Plus technology is making it more economical now, and that’s what people really notice. Wind energy, solar power, hybrids and zap EV’s, our choices are good. There are now electric cars being sold everyday, you just plug it into a regular power outlet. When people test drive them they say it’s far more fun to drive an EV.

Peter Richter

Dear Sir,
You might be interested in the fact that I took my driving instructions and test in an Opel, which had a wood burning "pot" in tne back.All one has to do, throw pieces of wood into it, ignited it, turned on a blower until you could light the fumes coming out. At this point, you would turn a valve and proceeded to drive the vehicle. I am trying to get a picture of the setup. Trucks were driven also with this kind of setup. I am surprised that this technology has not been perfected with today's technology and computerization.
Peter Richter

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